Well, the address for this is alisreader so I figured I should put something about books, right?! Well, first of all, I LOVE reading books! right now I'm reading My Friend Flicka by, um, someone!

It is about a boy named Ken who really wants a foal and then his dad lets him get one but he chooses a really beautiful, WILD horse and named her Flicka which is Swedinsh for little girl. Another good book is Treasure Island. It's about this boy named Jim and his dad ownes a hotel and then a really scary guy named Billy Bones comes but doesn't pay enough to stay there but he drinks too much rum so he gets real mad and so Jim's dad doesn't make Billy Bones pay then Jim's dad dies then Billy Bones dies then a lot of really scary people come and then Jim goes on a voyage to find Treasure Island with a doc. and a squire and Long John Silver but John Silver becomes a traitor and then Jim , the doc., and the squire are all stuck on the island and then John Silver gets nice and you can read the rest. LOL I know that was a HUGE sentance and it's not correct grammar!
Then there's Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. That's a great book about a boy named Oliver Twist and is mom gives birth to him then dies and so the beadle Mr. Bumble named him Oliver Twist 'cause he's naming boys in alphabetical order and then when Oliver's 9 he goes to a work house and then he runs away and the Artful Dodger finds him and takes him to Fagin (he's a Jew, by the way!) but really they're bad and are trying to get him to pick polckets and so yeah. READ THE REST! There's also this real scary guy named Bill Sykes and he murders this other real scary lady named Nancy and so read it!
Another cool/strange book is called Tottaly Disgusting! and one of my friends showed it to me. It's about a cat named Mew-kiss but he thinks his name sounds like mucus (and it does!) and he hates/is afraid of rats and he lives with his owner Jessica and a dog named Barkus and he has to save Jessica from these humoungus rats that are planning on killing Mew-kiss, Barkus, Jessica, and Barkus' owner. Oh, and there's an old cat that lives near them and his name is Allergies.
Another cool book is Ender's Game. It's about a kid named Andrew but everyone calls him Ender. It's in the future and these aliens called Buggers are attacking humans and so they have to find the perfect person to go through lots of training and stuff to stop the Bugger invasions and so they watch Ender 'till he's 6 and they decide he's the one. He kills this one guy named Stilson when they're both 6 and then when he's 9 he kills an 11 year old guy Bonzo and no one told him they killed him! One of my friends says that book's really depressing. I DON"T THINk SO!

There's a TON of other books I LOVE but, that's all for now!